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"Globalization and Fisheries: Incentive-based Management for Sustainable Cod Fisheries in the North Atlantic"

Einladung zum Doktorandenkolloquium Weltwirtschaft: Vortrag und Diskussion zum Thema "Globalization and Fisheries: Incentive-based Management for Sustainable Cod Fisheries in the North Atlantic", Katharina Jantzen, PhD Student, GLOMAR (Bremen International Graduate School for Marine Sciences) and German Maritime Museum (Deutsches Schifffahrtsmuseum Bremerhaven), am 30. Juni 2010, 16.00 bis 17.30 Uhr, Wilhelm Herbst-Straße 5, Ebene 1, Raum 1.14. Die Teilnahme an der Veranstaltung ist ohne eine Anmeldung möglich (siehe die Einladung und das Thesenpapier im  PDF-Format).


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Progressivity of Education Spending in Nigeria

Research Output: Professor Dr. Alabi, Associate Professor in the Department of Agricultural Economics, Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma, Nigeria and Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellow at the Institute for World Economics and International Management (IWIM), University of Bremen, has produced a new research paper on Progressivity of Education Spending in Nigeria, a study that is using complex new measurement tools (see the IWIM Blue Series Discussion Paper Number 119 to be downloaded as a PDF ). The study is based on a recent research visit at IWIM and the research was supervised by Professor Karl Wohlmuth. The study is intended to stimulate the ongoing discussion about new education and poverty alleviation policies in Nigeria. A further paper on Redistribution Policies and Education Spending in Nigeria is forthcoming quite soon as IWIM Blue Series Discussion Paper Number 120. Further related papers by Professor Dr. Alabi can be downloaded as well from the IWIM Blue Series Discussion Papers as the numbers 109 and 114 (IWIM Blue Series Discussion Papers).

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Global Management of Sustainable Fisheries:

Global Management of Sustainable Fisheries: A PhD project on "REGULATORY MECHANISMS IN FISHERIES":

THE CONTRIBUTION OF QUOTA MANAGEMENT TO SUSTAINABLE FISHERIES IN THE NORTH ATLANTIC IN THE PERIOD 1977-2007" was recently finalized by Katharina Jantzen. Professor Karl Wohlmuth was a member of the Advisory Committee installed by GLOMAR to supervise the research project. This important study was supported by the Bremen International Graduate School for Marine Sciences (GLOMAR) that is funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) within the frame of the Excellence Initiative by the German Federal and State governments to promote science and research at German universities. GLOMAR and the German Maritime Museum (Deutsches Schiffahrtsmuseum Bremerhaven/DSMB), associated with GLOMAR as an Institute of the Leibniz Association, have supported generously the research project ( see more information).

Katharina Jantzen has already published parts of the research programme in the IWIM Blue Series Discussion Papers Number 110, 2008. In the next PhD Seminar on Global Economics (Doktorandenkolloquium Weltwirtschaft) Katharina Jantzen will present some of the research results under the title ‘Globalisation and Fisheries: Incentive-based management for sustainable cod fisheries in the North Atlantic’. This seminar contribution is planned to be published also in an issue of the IWIM Blue Series Discussion Papers. The next PhD Seminar Meeting will take place on June 30, 2010, 4-6 pm in WHS 5, Room 1.14.


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Governance and Social Action in Sudan after the Comprehensive Peace Agreement of January 2005: An International and Interdisciplinary PhD Programme:

Governance and Social Action in Sudan after the Comprehensive Peace Agreement of January 2005: An International and Interdisciplinary PhD Programme:

Four PhD students have already finalized their work, and three others are forthcoming with their dissertations. The Programme (directed by Professor Karl Wohlmuth and Dr. Elke Grawert) has been financed since the year 2005 by the Volkswagen Foundation with around € 800,000 (see more on the profile of the Governance and Social Action Project  and on the Studies of the Sudan Economy Research Group). All the PhD studies which were undertaken in the frame of the programme have themes in the context of rebuilding institutions and establishing new governance mechanisms after the civil war in Sudan which lasted over decades. Mister Regassa Sima from Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia, a historian, has written a PhD on “War and Peace in the Sudan and its Impact on Ethiopia: The Case of Gambella, 1955 - 2008” (see the Contents and  Abstract Regassa Sima ). Mister Berhanu Denu from Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia and the University of Bremen, Germany, an economist, has written a dissertation on “The Role of Institutions in Improving the Performance of Investment in Sudan/South Sudan after the Comprehensive Peace Agreement/CPA of 2005” (see the Contents and  Abstract Berhanu Denu). Samira Musa Armin Damin, a geographer from the University of Juba, Khartoum and Juba, Sudan has worked on Return Migration to the Nuba Mountains and on Regional Aspects of Implementing the CPA. Yasir Awad Abdalla Elthahir from the University of Khartoum in Khartoum, Sudan, a political scientist, has worked on forms and strategies of political participation to implement fully the CPA. George Katete, a political scientist from Moi University in Eldoret, Kenya, Jacobs University, Bremen and the University of Bremen, Germany, is still working on the sub-regional dimensions of implementing peace by looking at the neighbouring countries of Sudan/South Sudan and the impact of external pressures emerging from these countries towards the successful negotiations of the CPA and the consolidation of peace afterwards.Tayseer El-Fatih from the Ahfad University For Women, Omdurman, Sudan, a social scientist, is working on appropriate decentralization, devolution and land ownership strategies for realizing the CPA. A further programme, undertaken by Esther Ikere Eluzai, Juba University, Juba, South Sudan and currently being a Member of the Parliament of the Autonomous Region of South Sudan, is related to issues of ethnic divisions and development prospects in South Sudan. In 14 workshops, at various places in Sudan, Kenya, and Ethiopia and in Bremen, Germany, the interdisciplinary approach for the programme was developed jointly and the respective governance and institutional frameworks for the seven PhD studies were outlined and discussed.

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Technological Effort, Innovation Capacity and Capability Building:

Technological Effort, Innovation Capacity and Capability Building: This is the title of a background study by Professor Karl Wohlmuth for UNIDO (United Nations Industrial Development Organization), Vienna in the context of the UNIDO Project “Adding Value to Africa’s  Industry and Trade through Agro-industry and Agro-business. An Agenda for Action”, the purpose of which is to formulate new strategies to overcome the trend of de-industrialization in Africa. Also a Main UNIDO Report  and an International Book Publication by UNIDO on “Promoting Agribusiness for Africa’s Prosperity”, containing a chapter by Professor Karl Wohlmuth, will be part of the output of the UNIDO project (see the respective entries to the Publications List of IWIM by Professor Karl Wohlmuth )

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Institutions and Investment in Sudan/South Sudan:

Institutions and Investment in Sudan/South Sudan: This is the title of a major study finalized by Berhanu Denu, Lecturer at Addis Ababa University during his recent research visit at IWIM. The study was financed by the Volkswagen Foundation in the context of the Governance and Social Action in Sudan Project (see the Volkswagen Foundation project). Mister Berhanu Denu has used a variety of methods to analyze investment conditions and investment climate in Sudan/South Sudan. Important economic policy phases in Sudan were distinguished to look at the specific investment performance and the investment conditions in the context of institutional failures. Also panel econometrics was used to identify the institutional constraints to investment. Survey techniques were used to analyze the transactions cost of doing business in South Sudan and to assess the investment climate in South Sudan after the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (see the Abstract of the Study). The study will be published in the IWIM Book Series as Volume 18 (see the list of books that have appeared so far in the IWIM Book Series). A further SERG Discussion paper on an Agenda for Institutional Reform and Investment Promotion in South Sudan will be researched by the author and will appear quite soon (see the recent paper by the author on peace and reconstruction in South Sudan which has appeared already in the SERG series of IWIM). For this study and for other researches Mister Berhanu Denu will pay another research visit to IWIM in Bremen during June/July 2010.

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Treffen der afrikanischen Staats- und Regierungschefs in Abuja, Nigeria vom 8. - 10. März 2010 zum Thema der Neuausrichtung von Landwirtschafts- und Industriepolitiken:

Treffen der afrikanischen Staats- und Regierungschefs in Abuja, Nigeria vom 8. - 10. März 2010 zum Thema der Neuausrichtung von Landwirtschafts- und Industriepolitiken: Professor Karl Wohlmuth nahm auf Einladung der UN-Organisation für industrielle Entwicklung in Wien an der Konferenz der afrikanischen Staats- und Regierungschefs in Abuja als Experte teil (weitere Infos, siehe die Pressemitteilung, die Fotos des Events und die Deklaration von Abuja).


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Professor Karl Wohlmuth was invited by UNIDO to attend the High Level Conference at Abuja, Nigeria as an expert on technology development and agro-industrialization

Meeting of the African Heads of State and Government in Abuja, Nigeria on the Development of Agriculture and Agro-Industries in Africa: The Heads of State and Government, the Ministers of Industry, Agriculture, Trade and Commerce, the Central Bank Governors, and Senior Experts from 42 African countries met in Abuja, Nigeria on March 8 - 10, 2010 at the High Level Conference on the Development Of Agribusiness And Agro-Industries In Africa. Also representatives of six African Regional Economic Communities, representatives of international organizations, heads of banks and finance institutions, representatives of donor agencies, of international NGOs, ambassadors, and senior experts participated in various functions at the conference. Six regional and international organizations (UNIDO, UNECA, African Development Bank, African Union, FAO, and IFAD) have prepared the event under the initiative and leadership of UNIDO. The Federal Government of Nigeria and its Acting President have supported the event. During the meeting A Programme Framework 3ADI (African Agribusiness And Agro-Industries Development Initiative) was discussed and endorsed, a new Financial Mechanism in support of 3ADI was proposed and recommended, and an Abuja Declaration On Development Of Agribusiness And Agro-Industries In Africa was discussed and adopted by the African Heads of State and Government (see the Abuja Declaration , the Photo Gallery and other conference documents ). The six African Presidents/Executive Directors of these regional African and international platform organizations have confirmed their intention and have committed themselves to develop in the next few months an Action Programme on the basis of the Abuja Declaration so as to keep momentum with the initiative and to redirect industrial and agricultural strategies and policies in Africa.

Professor Karl Wohlmuth was invited by UNIDO to attend the High Level Conference as an expert. Professor Karl Wohlmuth was involved in related preparatory studies, researches, meetings and conferences in Vienna (at UNIDO) and in Addis Ababa (at UNECA). He is especially doing expert work on issues of new STI (Science, Technology and Innovation) policies which are connected to the main theme of the High Level Conference on Development.

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New Economics Teaching Programme: Global Economics and Management

New Economics Teaching Programme: The School of Humanities and Social Sciences of the Jacobs University is starting soon with a new economics teaching programme with the title Global Economics and Management (GEM). For this and other programmes at Jacobs University a new professor of economics who is teaching macroeconomics/development economics/economic policy is sought. Professor Karl Wohlmuth is a member  of the search committee at Jacobs University.


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Guest Researcher on Investment and Institutions in Sudan: Berhanu Denu, a lecturer from Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia is arriving in Bremen

Guest Researcher at IWIM: Mister Berhanu Denu, a lecturer from Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia will again stay for two months at IWIM to finalize his PhD study on Institutions and Investment in Sudan after Civil War, with particular focus on South Sudan. The research project is funded by the Volkswagen Foundation (see the scope of the research programme on Governance and Social Action in Sudan after the Comprehensive Peace Agreement). He has worked in the research project with a New Institutional Economics approach to investigate the issues of investment promotion by reconstructing relevant institutions in Sudan/South Sudan after the Comprehensive Peace Agreement of January 2005. Focus is especially on South Sudan by the way of analyzing the complex issues of reconstruction of institutions after the decades long civil war. Prior to the research stay at IWIM Mister Berhanu Denu has participated at the Second Grantees Meeting of the Volkswagen Foundation’s Africa Initiative at Bayreuth University (see his most recent SERG research paper number 37).


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