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The Functions of the Present-day Central Banks: The Case of Japan

A short report from Professor H. Takeuchi, Toyohashi, Japan on the results of his researches in Bremen as a visiting professor at IWIM, University of Bremen (March to September 2008), is available here


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Twenty Years "African Development Perspectives Yearbook" (1989 - 2009):

Twenty Years "African Development Perspectives Yearbook" (1989 – 2009):

The Research Group on African Development Perspectives Bremen and the Institute for World Economics and International Management (IWIM) have published recently Volume 14 for the year 2009 of the African Development Perspectives Yearbook with the title “New Growth And Poverty Alleviation Strategies for Africa: Institutional and Local Perspectives”.

The Research Group started in 1989 its work with Volume 1 of the African Development Perspectives Yearbook on the theme “Human Dimensions of Adjustment”, and has over the twenty years covered major issues of policy relevance for Africa. Major themes covered in the various volumes were Industrialization in Africa based on Agricultural Development; Energy for African Development; Active Labour Market Policies in Africa; Governance and Empowerment in Africa; Africa’s Reintegration into the Global Economy; Private Sector Development and Entrepreneurship Development in Africa; Balancing Private and Public Sectors in Africa. The most recent Volumes 13 and 14 present an account and a comprehensive strategy on New Growth And Poverty Alleviation  Strategies for Africa. The international, regional, institutional and local dimensions of the theme are discussed in these two volumes.

The Research Group has influenced the international discussion on African Development by workshops, conferences, research projects, by hosting guest professors and guest researchers from Africa, by networking international and African research and advisory institutions, by collecting and reviewing books, journals and documents from and for Africa, and by international consultancy work aimed at Africa. An international network of institutions, partners and experts was built up. Over the time the Group became very successful in Africanizing the editorship, the authorship and the readership of the African Development Perspectives Yearbook.

A new project of the Research Group centers on the issue of “Overcoming Africa’s Trends of De-industrialization by designing new and better adapted Industrial Strategies”. The theme is important because of the rapid deterioration of the industry sector in Africa and of the quality of industrial policies for Africa. (LIT-Verlag, ADPY...)


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Groupe de Recherche sur les Perspectives du Développement Africain de Brême

Professeur Karl Wohlmuth, Professeur de Systèmes d'Economies Comparées, et rédacteur coordonnant de l'Annuaire sur les Perspectives du Développement Africain à la Faculté d'Economie de l'université de Brême, a publié pour le Groupe de Recherche sur les Perspectives du Développement Africain de Brême les ouvrages suivant:

  • Volume 13, Annuaire 2008 des Perspectives du Développement Africain intitulé «Nouvelles Stratégies de Croissance et de Réduction de la Pauvreté pour l'Afrique – Perspectives Internationales et Régionales» ;
  • Volume complémentaire numéro 14, Annuaire 2009 des Perspectives du Développement Africain intitulé «Nouvelles Stratégies de Croissance et de Réduction de la Pauvreté pour l'Afrique – Perspectives Institutionnelles et Locales».

Le Groupe de Recherche sur les Perspectives du Développement Africain de Brême a commencé son travail en 1989 avec la publication du premier volume intitulé « Dimensions Humaines de l'Ajustement en Afrique».

Pour plus de détails voir l'avant-propos, l'introduction générale ( cliquez ici ) et les informations sur les deux publications (LIT-Verlag, ADPY...)


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The A. v. Humboldt Foundation has recently approved Phase II of the Postdoc-Research Programme by Dr. Reuben A. Alabi

The A. v. Humboldt Foundation has recently approved Phase II of the Postdoc-Research Programme by Dr. Reuben A. Alabi from the Department of Economics and Agricultural Economics, Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma, Edo State, Nigeria where he serves as Senior Lecturer. Dr. Alabi is a Research Fellow at IWIM in the Research Group on African Development Perspectives Bremen since December 2007. Prof. Wohlmuth supervises the programme for the host institution. The research programme on “Education Spending, Inequality, and Poverty in Nigeria” highlights and analyses issues and the measurement of progressivity of educational spending and the redistributive effects of educational spending in Nigeria, and aims to give analytical and conceptual foundations for reforms in educational funding at all state levels of Nigeria (Research Report by Dr. Alabi, CV ) and the latest study on the research theme published as number 114 of our Reports from the World Economics Colloquium of IWIM, to be downloaded as a PDF from the IWIM homepage)

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The Volkswagen Foundation has approved Phase II of the IWIM-launched Research Programme "Governance and Social Action in Sudan after the Peace Agreement of January 9, 2005"

The Volkswagen Foundation has approved Phase II of the IWIM-launched Research Programme „Governance and Social Action in Sudan after the Peace Agreement of January 9, 2005”. The main research issues are how to make peace work at local state levels and in border regions of Sudan by reconstructing political, social and economic governance after the long civil war. Phase I was directed by Prof. Dr. Karl Wohlmuth as the head of the project and by Dr. Elke Grawert as the Project Coordinator. Phase II will be directed by Dr. Elke Grawert (as the head of the project and functioning as well as the project coordinator). Prof. Wohlmuth will also in Phase II participate in the research programme as one of the project partners along with professors from the Moi University in Eldoret and the University of Nairobi in Kenya, professors from the University of Khartoum, the Juba University, and the Ahfad University for Women in Sudan, and professors from Addis Ababa University in Ethiopia (see details on Phase I of the programme on the IWIM homepage/Governance Sudan-Project). Prof. Wohlmuth supervises in this programme also a doctoral research project on “Investment Conditions and Institutional Development in South Sudan.”



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DAAD Africa Day at the University of Cologne on 21 November 2008

IWIM staff has contributed to the Forum 1 - Economics and Business Studies - of the DAAD Africa Day at the University of Cologne on 21 November 2008 (see the presentations as PDFs -1-; -2-; -3-)

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African Development Perspectives Yearbook 2008, Volume 13, a flagship publication of IWIM, has been released

The African Development Perspectives Yearbook 2008, Volume 13, a flagship publication of IWIM, has been released these days by LIT Publishers (order now at LIT-Verlag). This volume is a comprehensive account of the “New Growth And Poverty Alleviation Strategies For Africa – International And Regional Perspectives”. Volume 14 of the African Development Perspectives Yearbook on Institutional and Local Perspectives is also expected soon. 28 authors from all over Africa, from Europe, India, and Canada assess in Volume 13 the issues of pro-poor growth.

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A new IWIM Study on Globalisation and Convergence

IWIM has released a new Study on Globalisation and Convergence PDF Nr. 113...

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IWIM Guest Researcher Dr. Alabi speaks at 7th Poverty and Economic Policy (PEP) Research Network Conference and Training Workshop, Manila, Philippines

Dr. Reuben Alabi, Research Fellow at the IWIM, is invited to speak at the International Conference and Training Workshop in Manila, Philippines more

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"What Role for Developmental States in the 21st Century?"

Vortrag über "What Role for Developmental States in the 21st Century?", Dr. Dirk Bezemer (Rijksuniversiteit Groningen), am 13. November 2008, 16 bis 18 Uhr, Werderstraße 73, Raum A 18.

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