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New Research Report on Employment Policies in Tunisia: Managing Deindustrialization and Initiating Reindustrialization
In a new Research Report Professor Karl Wohlmuth outlines Elements of a New Employment Strategy for Tunisia. The Report is a Background Paper for a Consultancy Study on Approaches to initiate a National Employment Strategy for Tunisia.

Tunisia is five years after the Arab Spring Revolution in the process of reforming its development model and especially so its employment policy and the related institutions. High overall unemployment rates and high unemployment rates among the graduates of tertiary and vocational education institutions reveal that the economy is not absorbing adequately its skilled labour force. In demand  is in Tunisia unskilled labour and low skilled labour as these groups of the labour force have much smaller unemployment rates. The production system is since decades biased towards sectors, activities and processes which require low skilled and cheap labour. The reasons are that Tunisia has managed rather badly its deindustrialization process, the decline of the manufacturing share in GDP and the decline of the manufacturing share in overall employment. Improving the management of deindustrialization would require that the labour market and investment laws and regulations are adapted, that the STI (Science, Technology and Innovation) system is adjusted, that the tertiary and vocational education systems are reformed, and that the social security system is streamlined.


 Source: North Country Public Radio/ (Arab Spring Anniversary)

Intentions to reform the development model and its institutions are there, but the political process prevents concrete actions. Also, in order to increase the demand for skilled people who are unemployed or working under precarious conditions, the country needs to initiate a reindustrialization process. In the Research Report four paths of reindustrialization are discussed and contrasted: First, reindustrialization via the promotion of competitive value chains in other economic sectors than manufacturing (agriculture, services, mining, etc.) is a promising route which could create a great number of jobs. Obviously, the sector policies are not employment-promoting. Second, reindustrialization via exploiting the potential for manufacturing in remote regions of the country (as manufacturing is largely concentrated in some coastal regions) is another viable option. Regional development incentives have obviously not worked towards creating employment in manufacturing sectors through a new inter-regional division of labour. Third, reindustrialization via new forms of integration into global value chains is a further important option. Tunisia has a large number of scientists and researchers and around 700 science, research & development institutions, but does not exploit this potential for global value chains which put to use the skills base and the research potential of the country. Fourth, Tunisia has great opportunities to reindustrialize via the development of “green growth industries” as the protection of its natural resources is important for sustainable development. In various environment-sensitive sectors employment can be generated through “green growth initiatives”. Examples are areas such as organic agriculture, ecotourism and sustainable tourism, sustainable construction, and a better management of solid waste. All these areas offer a lot of opportunities up to new value chains and an increase in the demand for skills.

The Research Report is a Background Study, being part of a Joint Consultancy Contract. It is expected that short and long versions of the study can be published soon. The study relates also to the ongoing work on economic reforms in Tunisia by Karl Wohlmuth (see Publications Wohlmuth and STI Policies Tunisia: ).

Reference to the Study:

Wohlmuth, Karl, 2016, Ansatzpunkte einer nationalen Beschäftigungsstrategie für Tunesien (Orientations for a New Employment Strategy for Tunisia), Teil 1 (Part 1): Management von De-Industrialisierung und Initiierung von Politiken der Reindustrialisierung (Management of Deindustrialization and Initiation of Policies at Reindustrialization), Forschungsbericht im Ökonomische Reformen in Tunesien-Projekt (Research Report in the Project Economic Reforms in Tunisia), diverse Lang- und Kurzfassungen des Forschungsberichts werden veröffentlicht (various long and short versions of the Research Report will be published soon), Manuskript (Manuscript), 45 Seiten (pages), unveröffentlichter Text (unpublished text), erscheint im Dezember 2016 als Nummer 127 der Blauen Discussion Papers Reihe des IWIM der Universität Bremen (forthcoming as Number 127 of the Blue Series Discussion Papers, IWIM, University of Bremen, 45 pages,  December 2016), unter dem Titel/under the title: Das Management der De-Industrialisierung und die Initiierung von Politiken der Reindustrialisierung. Elemente einer nationalen Beschäftigungsstrategie für Tunesien (The Management of De-Industrialization and the Initiation of Policies for Reindustrialization. Elements of a National Employment Strategy for Tunisia).

Link zu den Publikationen/ Link to the Publications (vgl./see: Publications Wohlmuth) und/and Link zum Tunesien-Projekt/ Link to the Tunisia Project (vgl./see: )

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African Economic Research Consortium (AERC): IWIM Professor Reuben A. Alabi is an active collaborator at AERC International Research Conferences

Again Professor Alabi, Guest professor at IWIM, was invited to an AERC conference in Addis Ababa to report on ongoing researches about “Pro-poorness of fertilizer and agrochemical use and its implications on food security in Nigeria”. He has developed at IWIM a methodology to analyze the pro-poorness of fertilizer subsidies from the side of state and federal governments in Nigeria. He will participate at the AERC Biannual Research Workshop in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia in November/December 2015 for a full week; he will give presentations and he will participate at discussions. AERC is a leading research foundation for the support of African scientists to become part of the international research community. The invitation was presented to him by the Executive Director of AERC in Nairobi, Kenya.

As an AGRODEP member, Professor Reuben A. Alabi was invited to attend a high level “Applied Panel Data Econometrics” training course. The AGRODEP/IFPRI Dakar Management Team has selected Professor Alabi from a long list of candidates. The training workshop took place in Dakar, Senegal, on September 7-11, 2015. AGRODEP (African Growth & Development Policy) Modelling Consortium, facilitated by IFPRI, is an institution to support African agricultural economists. The programme is supported by the prestigious IFPRI (International Food Policy Research Institute) in Washington D.C. (see the Link to AGRODEP: ). The aims of AGRODEP are self-described as follows: “The African Growth and Development Policy Modelling Consortium is an initiative aimed at positioning African experts to take a leadership role in the study of strategic development questions and the broader agricultural growth and policy debate facing African countries.” and “AGRODEP maintains repositories of economic models and data sets, related documentation and research output available to all Network Members.”

Professor Reuben Adeolu Alabi, Department of Agricultural Economics, Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma Edo State, Nigeria and IWIM, University of Bremen, and Adams Oshobugie Ojor Adams, Department of Agricultural Economics, Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma Edo State, Nigeria, presented a research report on “The Pro-Poorness of Fertilizer Subsidy and its Implications on Food Security in Nigeria” (see the Research Report and the Agenda of the Conference in Arusha, Tanzania) at the Biannual AERC Research Workshop. An AERC Plenary Session on “Sovereign Wealth Funds and Natural Resource Management in Africa” and five Research Groups Meetings were held from May 31-June 4, 2015 in Arusha, Tanzania.

Professor Reuben A. Alabi, IWIM and Professor Karl Wohlmuth, IWIM, presented the paper “The Case of Sustainable Management of Solid Waste in Germany: Practical Lessons for Nigeria based on the Country State of Bremen” at the 2nd International Summit: Waste Summit 2015, Financing Management In Developing Economies, 22nd - 24th April 2015, Lagos, Nigeria (see the Extended Abstract). The Waste Summit was organized by the Waste Management Society Of Nigeria (WAMASON) and the International Solid Waste Association (ISWA). These are leading environmental organizations in Nigeria (see the two websites: and ). Professor Reuben A. Alabi is the Project Director of the Research Programme “Environment and Development Management Nigeria-Germany: Comparing Waste Management Value Chains” at IWIM, University of Bremen. At Lagos, the Paper and a Power Point Presentation were given. Professor Karl Wohlmuth is Consultant and Senior Advisor in the Project since January 2015. The duration of the Project is through end of 2017.

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Beratungen zu Afrika: Evaluierung von Buchprojekten, Forschungsprojekten, Studienprogrammen und wissenschaftlichen Beiträgen in Zeitschriften

In den letzten Monaten war Professor Karl Wohlmuth sehr aktiv als Gutachter zu Buchprojekten (Routledge International Publishers, Palgrave Macmillan Publishers, und Oxford University Press), zu wissenschaftlichen Beiträgen (etwa für die renommierte Zeitschrift Comparative Economic Studies und für afrikanische Zeitschriften), und zu Forschungsprojekten (so im Rahmen der Innovations- und Technikanalyse (ITA) des Bundesministeriums für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) in Berlin). Professor Karl Wohlmuth hat sich auch an der Evaluierung von Bachelor- und Masterstudiengängen an deutschen Hochschulen beteiligt, insbesondere auch von Dualen Hochschulstudiengängen, in denen neben der universitären Ausbildung die berufliche Praxis der zweite Schwerpunkt ist. Zudem ist der Professor auch an internationalen MBA-Programmen beteiligt, so etwa bei der Begutachtung von Masterarbeiten mit Bezügen zu ökonomischen Schwerpunktthemen Afrika.

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Advising On Africa: Evaluating Research Proposals, Book Proposals, Reviewing Journal Articles, and Evaluating Study Programmes

In recent months Professor Karl Wohlmuth has done a number of evaluations and reviews, of book proposals, book manuscripts, and book endorsements (for Routledge International Publishers, Palgrave Macmillan Publishers, and Oxford University Press), of journal articles (for prestigious Comparative Economic Studies and for African journals), and of research projects (so for the Innovation and Technology Analysis (ITA) initiative of the German Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF) in Berlin). Also, Professor Wohlmuth was active in evaluating international Bachelor and Master study programmes at German universities and of Dual Higher Study Programmes (combining higher education with practical work in enterprises). Professor Karl Wohlmuth was also invited to support International MBA Programmes with regard of Master Theses on Africa-related Business and Economics Issues.

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Technological Capabilities, Digital Production, and African Industrialisation

Technological Capabilities, Digital Production, and African Industrialisation: A New United Nations Industrial Development Study

Professor Karl Wohlmuth has just finalized a Background Study for a new UNIDO Project on Africa's Industrial Futures in the Digital Age. The Background Study is on the accumulation of technological capabilities (see for details the link to the Publications by Professor Karl Wohlmuth: ). The Economics Professor from Bremen analyses the possibilities to accumulate technological capabilities through digital media in African countries and especially so within African enterprises. The socio-economic context of the particular country and the particular firm plays a great role. The study first of all presents evidence about the technological heterogeneity in Africa, by looking at the most influential technological and ICT capability indicators. The accumulation of technological competences is imperative in order to include Africa into global digital manufacturing value chains. It can be supported also in Africa by specific policy measures, and by targeting structural and innovation policies accordingly. However, it is necessary to consider in the policy process the impact of the global techno-economic changes on the industrial structures, bottlenecks and opportunities in Africa. Decisive are the initial conditions in African formal and informal sector enterprises with regard of ICT competence and technological capabilities.

In order to accumulate technological capabilities within African enterprises and African industry systems, it is necessary to adapt the national and regional innovation systems accordingly. It is argued in the Background Study that it is possible to adapt the pillars of the national and regional innovation systems in African countries in such a way that economic incentives for the accumulation of technological capabilities can become stronger. In various case studies the Economics Professor shows that this is also possible in less developed African countries. An Agenda for Strengthening Technological Capabilities is presented in the Background Study.

Digital entrepreneurship, digital skills, and digital manufacturing play an increasing role in Africa, and networking within and between African countries and with the global ICT community facilitates the productive use of these new tools for manufacturing. New industrial development paths, along "remanufacturing", "green manufacturing" and informal sector manufacturing, benefit from processes of digitalisation and these offer new opportunities for African producers, also in terms of employment. New training and further education modules play a role in Africa and are already initiated by enterprises and training institutions. New developments in the innovation process, such as "open innovation", and new production modules, like 3D printing, give the manufacturing process in Africa already a new dimension.

A shorter version of this Background Study will be published in a United Nations book on Africa's Industrial Futures. In this book international experts present their findings on the perspectives of industrial production in Africa in the digital age. Chapters deal also with digitalisation trends and impacts on Africa, manufacturing trends and opportunities in Africa, global structural changes as affecting industrial production in Africa, energy scarcity and climate change as factors impacting on Africa's manufacturing production, and developments with regard of new competitive sectors in Africa. The Expert Group is finalising the report quite soon and will also present policy recommendations to national governments in Africa, UN bodies, donor agencies, and enterprises. Professor Wohlmuth is involved in the expert group as a Consultant and as a Lead Author. Professor Wohlmuth has in earlier work for UNIDO presented studies on the technological strengthening of agro-industrial sectors in Africa (see the Link: ).

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Professor Karl Wohlmuth arbeitet an einer neuen UN-Studie über Afrikas Industrialisierungsprozesse im digitalen Zeitalter mit

Eine Expertengruppe der UNIDO (United Nations Industrial Development Organization)  in Wien arbeitet an einer internationalen Studie zu Afrikas Perspektiven der industriellen Entwicklung im digitalen Zeitalter. Der Bremer Wirtschaftsprofessor Karl Wohlmuth ist auch in der Expertengruppe aktiv und bearbeitet die Fragen der technologischen Herausforderungen einer industriellen Entwicklung in Afrika im Kontext digitaler Innovationsprozesse, digitaler Produktentwicklung und digitaler Produktion. Obwohl die diesbezüglichen Verhältnisse und Entwicklungspotentiale in den afrikanischen Ländern sehr unterschiedlich sind, wird dennoch versucht, einen angepassten Handlungsrahmen für Strukturtransformation und Industriepolitik im digitalen Zeitalter zu erarbeiten. Der Bremer Wirtschaftsprofessor arbeitet als Konsulent und Lead Author an dem UN-Projekt in Wien mit. Der Bremer Professor ist seit 2004 an Afrikaprojekten der UNIDO, der Organisation der Vereinten Nationen für industrielle Entwicklung, beteiligt (vgl. zu den UNIDO-Studien über Potentiale der agro-industriellen Entwicklung in Afrika seit 2008 unter Beteiligung von Professor Karl Wohlmuth den Link: ).

Im Rahmen einer im Dezember 2014 fertiggestellten Background Study (vgl. den Link zu Publikationen von Karl Wohlmuth: ) analysierte der Bremer Professor die Möglichkeiten, die Akkumulation von technologischen Fähigkeiten in Afrika durch digitale Medien zu beschleunigen. Ausgangspunkt war die Analyse der technologischen Heterogenität in Afrika, die sich in Bezug auf alle wichtigen Technology Capability Indicators zeigt.  Die technologischen Fähigkeiten zur digitalen industriellen Produktion können auch in Afrika durch struktur- und innovationspolitische Maßnahmen gestärkt werden, doch sind dabei die globalen techno-ökonomischen Veränderungen mit den vorhandenen technologischen Potentialen und den existierenden Innovationssystemen in Einklang zu bringen. Die digitalen Kompetenzen und die technologischen Fähigkeiten in afrikanischen Unternehmen können aber nur dann erweitert werden, wenn beim Aufbau nationaler und regionaler Innovationssysteme in Afrika Anpassungen an die veränderten Anforderungen erfolgen. Insbesondere können die verschiedenen Pole des nationalen Innovationssystems durch ökonomische Anreize besser vernetzt werden.

In mehreren Case Studies wird von Professor Wohlmuth aufgezeigt, dass dies durchaus auch in weniger entwickelten afrikanischen Ländern möglich ist. Eine Agenda für den Aufbau technologischer Kompetenzen im Kontext digitaler industrieller Produktion wird präsentiert. Auch auf neue Entwicklungen im Bereich von „open innovation“ und 3D printing wird eingegangen. Neue industrielle Entwicklungsmodelle, so etwa das Re-Manufacturing, das Green Manufacturing, die Digitalisierung des Informal Economy Manufacturing, und neue Aus- und Weiterbildungsmodelle, insbesondere für die industrielle Produktion im informellen Sektor, spielen dabei eine immer größere Rolle. Eine gekürzte Version dieser Studie wird in einer UNIDO-Buchpublikation erscheinen.



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Ein neues Forschungsprojekt (2015 - 2017) startet in Bremen unter der Leitung von Professor Reuben A. Alabi zum Thema:
"Environment and Development Management Germany-Nigeria: Improving and Adapting Waste Management Value Chains"

Professor Reuben A. Alabi, IWIM's Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellow, leitet von Januar 2015 bis Dezember 2017 das Forschungsprojekt "Environment and Development Management Germany-Nigeria: Improving and Adapting Waste Management Value Chains". Der nigerianische Professor wird das international finanzierte Projekt an der Exzellenzuniversität Bremen durchführen. Erfahrungen mit den deutschen Wertschöpfungsketten im Bereich der Abfallwirtschaft sollen für die Umwelt- und Entwicklungspolitik in Nigeria nutzbar gemacht werden. Eine Kooperation mit deutschen und nigerianischen Unternehmen und zwischen deutschen und nigerianischen Universitäten ist im Projekt vorgesehen. Der nigerianische Professor wird in Bremen und in Nigeria regelmäßig über den Fortgang des Projektes in Seminaren und in Workshops berichten. Der Bremer Wirtschaftsprofessor Karl Wohlmuth ist als Konsulent und Senior Adviser im Projekt tätig. Die Forschungsgruppe Afrikanische Entwicklungsperspektiven Bremen unterstützt das Forschungsvorhaben und wird in einer Ausgabe des "Jahrbuchs Afrikanische Entwicklungsperspektiven" über die Forschungsergebnisse und deren Umsetzung in Nigeria berichten.


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A New Three Year (2015 - 2017) Research Project on Environment and Development Management Germany-Nigeria was launched in Bremen by Professor Reuben A. Alabi

A New Three Year (2015 - 2017) Research Project on Environment and Development Management Germany-Nigeria was launched in Bremen by Professor Reuben A. Alabi

Professor Reuben A. Alabi, an Associate Professor at the Department of Agricultural Economics of Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma, Edo State, Nigeria and a former Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellow at IWIM, is the director of a new research project for the coming years 2015-2017 on the theme "Environment and Development Management Germany-Nigeria: Improving and Adapting Waste Management Value Chains". The Nigerian Professor has brought this internationally financed research project to the Excellence University of Bremen. Experiences with German value chains in waste management will be analysed and used for evidence-based reforms in Nigeria. A cooperation with German and Nigerian enterprises in the field of waste management is envisaged and also a cooperation between German and Nigerian universities and research institutes being active in the field. The Nigerian professor will also organize workshops in Bremen and in Nigeria to report on the research results and on the policy recommendations. Economics Professor Karl Wohlmuth is working as a consultant and senior adviser in this project. The Research Group on African Development Perspectives supports the researches. It is envisaged to publish volume 20 of the African Development Perspectives Yearbook on the theme of "Energy and Sustainable Development in Africa" using also material from the research project.


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"African Lions, African Tigers and Emerging African Middle Classes": A new Research Report

Professor Karl Wohlmuth from the University of Bremen presents a new research report on the "Africa Rising Story" being so influential at the moment (see the New Research Report). The author is interested to have comments which can be used for a new draft as the research report will be published in various versions.

The "Africa Rising Story" is the theme of the paper. A lot of myths are prevalent on African growth and development, and the international consulting companies play a role in this. Some of these myths are discussed in this paper on the basis of readings of major international consultancy reports, like McKinsey, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Roland Berger, The Boston Consulting Group, Ernst & Young, Bain & Company, ATKearney, KPMG, Deloitte, and many others. These international consultancy companies have a decisive influence on foreign investors in Africa, on multinationals doing business in Africa, but also on governments, on private local businesses in Africa, and, last but not least, also on donors who are engaged in Africa.

Some of these myths are discussed in this paper and confronted with facts and realities (Africa as a continent of top growers; Africa as a continent of booming economic sectors and of expanding consumer classes; Africa as a continent with an increasing number of globally competitive enterprises; Africa as a continent capturing the "demographic dividend" and the advantages of the "digital economy"; and Africa as a continent with an emerging middle class which is taking up developmental roles). Also the methodological frame of these international consultancy reports is considered. There is reference to the background and the motivation of these companies to write on Africa, to their methodologies and analytical approaches, to their functional importance for investors and governments, and to the spread of the messages all over Africa and throughout the development community.

The intention of the paper is it to provide a frame for a more critical assessment of such reports as they are circulated all over the world press and are written so as to influence not only investors but also key political decision-makers.

A further extension of this version of the research report is done by including more insights on the methodologies used by international consultancy companies in their reports on Africa. This extension of the report will then become published in the IWIM Blue Series Discussion Papers (see IWIM Blue Series Discussion Papers).


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"Afrikanische Löwen, Afrikanische Tiger und aufstrebende Afrikanische Mittelklassen": Ein neuer Forschungsbericht

Professor Karl Wohlmuth von der Forschungsgruppe Afrikanische Entwicklungsperspektiven der Universität Bremen hat einen neuen Forschungsbericht zur "Africa Rising Story" vorgelegt, die in der derzeitigen Diskussion über Afrikas Wachstumsperspektiven eine große Rolle spielt (vgl. den Neuen Forschungsbericht). Der Autor ist an Kommentaren interessiert, die bei neuen Entwürfen auch berücksichtigt werden, denn der Forschungsbericht wird in mehreren Versionen erscheinen.

Afrika wird in den letzten Jahren immer wieder als boomender Kontinent mit riesigen Wachstums- und Investitionschancen portraitiert, und als ein Kontinent mit einigen sehr schnell wachsenden Ländern ("Afrikanische Löwen" und "Afrikanische Tiger"). Mythen spielen bei der Interpretation von Wachstum und Entwicklung in Afrika eine große Rolle und diese überlagern zunehmend Fakten und Realitäten. Wo nahm die "Africa Rising Story" mit "Afrikanischen Löwen" und "Afrikanischen Tigern" ihren Ausgangspunkt? Welche Hintergründe gibt es dafür? Eine besondere Rolle bei der Mythenbildung spielen dabei die internationalen Consultingunternehmen mit ihren Afrikaberichten, also Namen wie McKinsey, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Roland Berger, Bain & Company, The Boston Consulting Group, Ernst & Young, ATKearney, KPMG, Deloitte, und viele andere mehr. Diese Unternehmen haben starken Einfluss auf die ausländischen Investoren, auf die Multinationalen Unternehmen, die in Afrika Geschäfte machen, aber auch auf die Regierungen, die lokale Privatwirtschaft in Afrika und schließlich auch auf die multilaterale und bilaterale Entwicklungszusammenarbeit.

Einige dieser Mythen werden in der Studie diskutiert und mit Fakten und Realitäten konfrontiert (Afrika sei ein Kontinent von besonders schnell wachsenden Ländern; Afrika sei ein Kontinent mit boomenden Wirtschaftssektoren und schnell expandierenden Konsumentenklassen; Afrika sei ein Kontinent mit einer wachsenden Zahl von global agierenden und international wettbewerbsfähigen Unternehmen; Afrika sei ein Kontinent, der zunehmend die Vorteile der "demographischen Dividende" und der "digitalen Revolution" ausschöpfen könne; und Afrika sei ein Kontinent mit einer zunehmend entwicklungsförderlich agierenden afrikanischen Mittelklasse). Auch die methodischen Grundlagen der Berichte dieser internationalen Consultingunternehmen werden geprüft. Es wird auf die Hintergründe und die Motivationen bei der Erstellung dieser Berichte, auf die methodischen und analytischen Ansätze, auf die funktionale Bedeutung der Berichte für Investoren und Regierungen, und auf die Art der Verbreitung der Messages in Afrika und im globalen Kontext eingegangen.

Mit dieser Studie soll ein Rahmen für die kritische Auseinandersetzung mit den Afrikaberichten der internationalen Consultingunternehmen präsentiert werden. Dies ist wichtig, weil die Inhalte dieser Afrikaberichte sehr schnell von der Weltpresse aufgenommen und so die potentiellen Investoren und wichtige politische Entscheidungsträger gezielt beeinflusst werden.

Eine weitere Version dieser Studie wird demnächst vorgelegt; es wird darin stärker auf die methodischen Grundlagen in den Afrikaberichten der internationalen Consultingunternehmen eingegangen werden. Dieser erweiterte Beitrag wird dann in den  IWIM Blue Series Discussion Papers veröffentlicht werden (vgl. IWIM Blue Series Discussion Papers).


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